Friday, March 14, 2025

    Accident Insurance Policies
    Although the progress of knowledge and technology has prevented the occurrence of unpleasant accidents, but the health and life of the human beings are still exposed to many inevitable dangers and accidents, sometimes leading to irreparable losses. After an accident, you usually sustain losses that you have never thought of before. Accident insurance provides a proper capital for improvement of the conditions of those families who have sustained damages.

      Why Accident Insurance? Why Parsian Insurance Company?

    A man’s life and properties are always exposed to countless threats. Hoping that accidents will never ever happen for our dear compatriots, Parsian Insurance Company, by presenting accident insurance, tries to provide peace of mind for those who have suffered in accidents in hard circumstances. With a small part of your income, you can compensate the heavy costs of unexpected accidents. The accident insurance is a strong support and a peace of mind during hard days of your life.

    Types of Accident Insurance

    Accident insurance is presented in two forms: personal accident and group accident. The accidents subject of this policy includes any unexpected event, happening due to an external element, without the will and intention of the concerned person and which may lead to injury, physical deformity, disability or death.

    Parsian Insurance Company’s Personal Accident Insurance

     By paying a small premium for purchasing personal accident insurance, any individual can provide an insurance cover for himself against dangers resulting from different accidents that may lead to death, physical deformity, permanent disability, or medical costs. This type of insurance mostly covers the dangers resulting from accidents during 24 hours of a day, in any geographical location and it encompasses occupational, educational, and recreational dangers, etc. The premium for this policy is determined based on the type of occupation, travel or the sport activity of the person. In this policy, Parsian Insurance Company undertakes to pay the insurance capital to the beneficiary or the insured’s legal inheritors in case of death caused by covered risks, and pay the whole insurance capital or a portion thereof to the person in case of physical deformity or as a compensation of medical costs resulting from the accident.
    The personal accident policy is presented to our dear compatriots in two forms: with booklet and without booklet. In the booklet insurance policy, the capital could be selected from among the pre-set premiums, and in case there is a tendency for capital increase, the policy without booklet can be used.

    Parsian Insurance Company’s Group Accident Insurance
    This policy is presented for a group of people. The subject of this policy includes the coverage of death and permanent total and partial disability as well as medical expenses resulting from the accidents subject to insurance in 24 hours of day, at the work environment or during retirement of the insured, without any geographical limitation.
    Different types of group accident policies are as follows:
    Group accident insurance for employees of companies, factories, institutes, etc.
    Group tour accidents (incoming and outgoing tours)
    University students’ group accidents,
    School students’ group accidents,
    Group accident insurance for sports complexes and gyms
    Family accident insurance
    Other accident policies could be customized to meet the needs of our dear customers.
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