Wednesday, March 12, 2025

بیمه مسئولیت پارسیان

    Parsian Liability Insurance
    Liability Insurance Policies

    Everyday numerous accidents happen around us and according to the Law, any person who is in chatge of the damage (either bodily or financial) to other persons, shall be responsible to compensate them. In such conditions, and if you are in the position that you are recognized as the cause of an accident, maintaining a proper insurance policy can provide you with sufficient cover. By presenting various types of liability insurance policies, Parsian Insurance Company provides these facilities for you.

      Why Liability Insurance, Why Parsian Insurance Company?
    In any business, you are required to maintain a liability insurance, as you might be known to be responsible for damages incurred on others and their properties. Liability insurance is the best way to compensate such damages. Through paying a small premium every body can ensure peace and relief for themselves. This policy supports you and your business against damage claims as a result of unintentional accidents, that might damage people and their properties. .

    Types of Liability Insurances
    There are a wide range of liability insurances, but we can generally classify them into 5 main categories including: employer’s liability against employees, professional liability insurance and general civil liability insurance, producers’ liability against consumers and third parties insurance and civil liability due to execution of contract insurance.

    Parsian Insurance Company’s Employer’s Liability Against Employees Insurance
      According to the provisions of Art. 91 of the Labor Law, all employers are bound to provide necessary devices and facilities to protect the health of their employees in the workplace. On the strength of this law, the employers are known responsible against accidents that might lead to injury, physical deformity, or death of the employees. An Employer’s Liability against Employees Policy is responsible for compensating these issues up to the limit of obligations laid down in the policy. The following are different types of policies presented by Parsian Insurance Company in this regard:
      • Employer’s civil Liability against employees insurance (non-construction)
      • Employer’s civil liability against employees and third parties insurance (construction)
      • Employer’s civil liability against employees of civil development projects insurance,

    Parsian Insurance Company’s Professional Liability Insurance
    Any person, as a consequence of his profession and business, may cause bodily and financial damages on the people who use his professional services. Professional liability insurance guarantees the compensation of damages resulting from individuals’ career and profession. Various types of policies that Parsian Insurance Company presents in this regard, are as follows:
    Civil liability insurance for sports complex managers against sportspersons and clientele,
    Civil liability insurance for swimming pool managers and lifesavers against swimmers,
    Civil liability insurance for managers of funfairs against the visitors,
    Civil liability insurance for managers of camping and tours,
    Civil liability insurance for managers of hotels against visitors,
    Professional civil liability insurance for construction design, analysis and supervising engineers,
    Professional civil liability insurance for physicians and paramedics,
    Professional civil liability insurance for pharmacies’ medical persons in charge,
    Professional civil liability insurance for hospitals’ and clinics’ technical persons in charge,
    Professional civil liability insurance for gas supervising engineers against subscribers,
    Civil liability insurance for vehicle gas-burning system installation/testing companies,
    Civil liability insurance for managers and teachers in kindergartens,
    Civil liability insurance for managers of parking lots against drivers,
    Civil liability insurance for installers of advertising signs against third parties,
    Civil liability insurance for managers of educational centers,
    Civil liability insurance for managers of vehicle repair shops against clientele,
    Other professional liability insurances can be customized according to the customers’ needs.

    Parsian Insurance Company’s General Civil Liability Insurance
    General civil liability insurance covers the loss incurred to individuals by a person, as a result of civil liability, and which is unrelated to his profession, in case it has been inserted in the policy. Different types of policies presented by Parsian Insurance Company under this category are as follows:
    Civil liability insurance as a result of fire accident,
    Civil liability insurance as a result of civil operations,
    Civil liability insurance for owners of road construction, agricultural and construction machinery,
    Other general liability insurances can be customized to meet the customers’ needs.

    Civil Liability Insurance of the Producers of Goods against Consumers and Third Parties
    In this policy, injuries and financial damages sustained by customers, as a result of defects and deficiency of the producers’ goods are covered. In this policy, damages to the products are not covered.

    Civil Liability Resulting from Execution of Contract Insurance
    In the civil liability resulting from contract insurance, the loss on the other party, which results from the party’s non-contractual liability is covered. The following are different types of policies, presented by Parsian Insurance Company, in this regard:
    Civil liability insurance for the tenant against the landlord and vice versa,

    Special Plans
    In addition to the aforesaid policies, Parsian Insurance Company has launched policies for special cases, including:
    Cash on hand insurance
    Horse insurance
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